Step Up

CISV’s Step Up programme is a 23 day camp-based programme for 15 year olds that encourages young people to take a leading role in planning and organizing activities. The participants and their adult leaders use CISV’s peace education to guide the theme of the camp around which they plan activities, such as identity, democracy, or environmental protection.

• Participating Countries: Brazil, Denmark, Canada, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Singapore, Mexico & Spain

STEP UP Hosting Dates:
14th June 2019 to 16th June 2019


Aimed at young teens, this camp encourages participants to take responsibility for leadership and programme planning. Each camp focuses on a specific educational theme. Participants work together to plan activities and discussions which build on the chosen theme.


Duration: 3 weeks 

Age Range: 14 to 15


CISV Malaysia
G-07 R&F Marina Place Mercu 2, Jalan Tanjung Puteri 1,
R&F Tanjung Puteri, 80300 Johor Bahru, Johor
Tel: (6013) 3889897