International Programme Fees
CISV International is a non-profit, volunteer organization. The only fee that is collected is one to offset administrative costs associated with the programmes such as: Insurance, leadership training and paperwork. The total cost of hosting the programmes is born by the chapter holding the program.
Note: CISV Singapore’s fees are subject to change based on fees established by the International governing body, CISV International. Check with the Chapter representative to be sure of current costs.
2016-17 Fees:
Village $1,600Interchange $1,300
Junior Councilor $ 1,800
Seminar Camp $1,800
Step-Up Camp $1,600
Youth Meeting (8 day) $750 (Individual)Youth Meeting (8 day) $750 (6-person delegation)Youth Meeting (15 day) $1,200 (Individual)Youth Meeting (15 day) $950 (6-person delegation)
IPP (21 day) $1,000IPP (16 day) $650
Programme Cost Structure Example
The following is an example of the costs that would be expected for a Village Delegate. Travel costs are variable and depend on the programme location. Some programmes: Village and Step Up Camp, divide the leaders airfare among the delegates. A typical breakdown of costs for a programme that includes an adult leader (i.e. village, interchange and summer camp) is shown below:
*** Example of the expected Village delegate programs costs:
Program Fee $1,600
Family Membership Fee $50
Child’s Airfare to destination $650 (example only)
1/4 Leaders Airfare $650/4 $162.50
Total (example fee) $2,462.50
Typically parents are allowed to send their children with up to $200 spending money.
There are also some incidental expenditures that arise in preparation for the delegation to travel (Passports, if required, Gifts for host family, t-shirts to trade with other campers etc)